Tim Burt

Tim Burt and his wife Rebecca moved to Colorado from the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania in late 2015. 

He worked for 14 years in the computer industry as a programmer and instructor.  

In 2006 he finished his M.S. in Christian Counseling and spent 10 years as a counselor and therapist in Pennsylvania before moving to the Upper Arkansas Valley.  

Tim has been playing guitar and singing since he was a teen and continues to provide acoustic music at Open Mic opportunities, at church and at public summer venues such as Turner Farm and McPhelemy Park.   You'll hear music from the 1960's to the 2000's in the genres of:  folk, rock, blues, country, gospel and.......... humor.  

Besides Beatles' tunes, you're likely to hear songs by: 

"Weird" Al, Brad Paisley, Eric Clapton, Alison Krauss, Greenday, Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin and even an offering from Porgy & Bess.  Occasionally, he’ll slip in one or two of his own songs.